The banner was re created in May 2023. Designed by Pinaki Shoukalin Ghosh, it reflects the congruence and connection of cultures from Bangladesh, India & United Kingdom . The key features are:
Significant architectural buildings from Bangladesh, India & Yorkshire feature as silhouettes. This also reflects where we were before and where we are now..
The red dot on the left symbolises the shining sun. The small yellow dot on the right stands for the moon.
The white rose of Yorkshire finds its place in our hearts as Aaloron is a Bengali Cultural Organisation in Yorkshire UK.
Bengali alphabets stream across the banner, increasing in font size from left to right - language has no barrier, flows freely between continents and is enriched in the journey.
Aaloron means creating "waves of enthusiasm" and is seen floating multicolour waves yellow, orange, blue & green. These align to the colours in our tagline.